I’m not sure what it is about the creative spirit that leads people involved in the arts to explore their imaginations in multiple creative outlets, but there is something there. It’s common for the music students I teach to express themselves through...
Having taught piano for over 25 years, I’m still amazed at how many of my students don’t listen to music. With all the ways to purchase and stream their favourite tunes, you’d think students would listen to their favourite artists nonstop. So, as a...
Conservatory Canada is a smaller conservatory to The Royal Conservatory of music but still a significant Canadian Conservatory of music. This institution grew from merging two independent examination systems: the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music based in London,...
Having studied orchestration for film and television, I find working with a metronome easy; when creating orchestral mock-ups timed to video in a digital audio workstation, the metronome is frequently, if not permanently, turned on. However, when I was just starting...
When I’m out shopping, running errands, or conducting studio business, I meet people, and we often start chatting. Once they discover what I do for a living, I often hear about relatives who’ve never taken piano lessons and how well they play. I enjoy...
The Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) was established in 1886, and for some reason, it seems to be Canada’s best-kept secret among the parents whose children I’ve taught. Having taught piano and theory for over 25 years and dealing with parents seeking...