I only speak for myself, knowing everyone has different thoughts on the subject, but I find music gear and inspiration sometimes walk hand in hand. I’m a piano teacher by trade; I play the piano, whether an organ at church, a piano at lessons, or making a recording in my studio. For me, a collection of black and white keys is the deal. Sometimes, we fall into a rut creatively; we repeatedly play the same notes, chords, and rhythms, unable to dig ourselves out of the hole. Once in a while, a new sound or a different approach to creating music can help you find the inspiration you’re looking for to spark your creativity.
I’m not suggesting you should get gear acquisition syndrome, as in going out and buying as many new music toys as possible. Still, a new device or situation can sometimes help you see music differently. Sometimes, switching the sound on your keyboard can help spring you into new inspiration, or perhaps changing from playing a keyboard to a pad controller, experimenting with a sampler, or running a sound through an effects rack, all of which can bring something new to your creativity.
As musicians, our inspiration can be triggered by how our instrument sounds and feels, which can help us move musically in directions we wouldn’t have previously chosen. As a keyboardist, I can remember the first time I tried playing an AKAI Force; never having used a pad controller before, I instantaneously played new chords and scales that I’d never have chosen on the keyboard. Everything was just a little different, new, and exciting—new sounds, a new way of playing, a new musical experience overall.
Remember, if you’re stuck for music inspiration, you don’t need an expensive piece of gear. A free music-making smartphone app will probably do the job. Sometimes, all it takes is the excitement and ability to experience a new way of making music to breathe excitement back into your creations. Have fun practicing, composing and creating.
Places to find music gear and inspiration: neither my studio nor I have any ties to these companies; these are just websites and places my friend and I have seen or checked out.
I’ve also written a post on Why Home Studios Evolve, which may interest those just starting up their studio.
Here is a list of a few music gear retailers for some window shopping: